Yifeng LUO 罗艺峰


About 关于我

我叫罗艺峰,来自四川省的一个小县城江油。我曾在欧洲与美国求学,主修过经济学与数据科学。但从未从事过相关工作。我对探索大自然和自我成长充满热情,同时对几乎所有的运动都感兴趣。近两年刚完成了 《行路摘星辰》系列 纪录片第一季《后疫情时代:这个世界变得更糟糕了吗?》的拍摄并陆续发布中。未来五年将会主要关注青少年认知方式提升以及个人疗愈相关领域。

I’m Yifeng LUO, and I come from Jiangyou, a small county in Sichuan Province. I studied in Europe and U.S. majoring in Economics and Data Science. But I have never engaged in related work. I am passionate about exploring nature and selfgrowth, as well as being interested in almost any sport. I have just completed the series IMpossible in the past two years. The first season of the documentary "Post-pandemic era: Is the world getting worse?" has been filmed and is being released. In the next five years, I will focus mainly on the improvement of adolescent cognitive styles and areas related to personal healing.

Contact 联系我


If you are trying to reach me sincerely, you can always find a way.


No.138 Tiantai Rd,Jiangyou,Sichuan,621700


+86 18990139037

